
Windows Hosting

Windows Hosting is basically carried out on severs that use Windows operating system. Though there are several reasons to pick a Windows Hosting plan, the biggest of them is its compatibility. Users, who are seeking to use specific applications, such as Microsoft's Active Server Pages (asp), or build a website with Microsoft Front Page, are generally recommended to choose Windows Hosting plans.

Windows Hosting vs Linux Hosting
If the user is aiming to develop the website with .NET, MS Index Server or Visual Basic scripts, Windows hosting solution is considered as the best available option. In general, this hosting plan is most suited for users who seek to integrate different Microsoft specific applications in their websites.

iPage Advantages
With more than 100,000 websites hosted, iPage is among the best website hosting service providers. The company offers a range of hosting plans to its customers. iPage also has a dedicated support team, which works round the clock to resolve customer queries. The company offers 99.9% uptime guarantee and unlimited data transfer along with several other add-on services.

iPage Windows Hosting Features
  • Operating Systems - Microsoft Windows 2003, 2008 & 2012
  • Supported in Linux - .NET Framework 4.x, 3.x, 2.x, 1.x. ASP 3.0, 2.0, ASP.NET, JRun 3.0. PHP 5.x, dotnuke
  • Database - MS SQL Database 2008 (2005 compatibility), MS Access 2003, MY SQL Database 5.x, Microsoft Server 2008 with Enterprise manager connectivity
  • Add-ons - Static IP address, Customizable DLLs, FrontPage Server Extensions, Web stats (weblaizer), Crystal Reports support , SQL 2005/2008 MS Reporting Services , Folder write permissions

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